Helping Men to have a more positive outlook on life.

Chapversity Is a 501C3 non-profit organization designed to help men who have been involved in Domestic Violence, Divorce in which most of his assets were awarded to the other party, or has had his children taken away, while the other party make false accusations to gain leverage in court cases or family and friends.


Donations are the foundation of our organization. Please consider donating.

Monthly Gifts

From canned goods, furniture, or money. All donations are welcome and will be used to help those in need.

We Educate

It's time men are informed what the possible outcomes could be when facing divorce, separation, and legal actions. Being properly educated could save a lifetime of headache.

Emotional Support

While it is well known that men are told to man up when experiencing life changing events it's way past due to receive the proper help when going through these situations. We plan to offer professional help.

About Us

Healthy happy people will change the world

Individuals who are happy and healthy are most likely to help others become the same way. Man or woman let's all do our part to better the human race. Chapversity is a 501C3 Non-profit Organization focused on helping Men after life changing events. Men often times go through these situations by themselves. Well not anymore you are not alone we are here to help.

Help promote a healthy lifestyle to better future generations.

We are here to help with the daily stress and overwhelming struggles that come along with it.

Being a man we face many obstacles Chapversity is here to assist you proceed to the next one.

Features Causes

By helping men your also saving the children

Help us work together

To achieve optimal results we must work together. This will ensure our success.

Our Stories

In their own words

While it is no secret men are used and abused. Some men are able to move forward with very little help while others turn to alcohol or drugs sometimes both. Some of these men live the remaining days of their lives in this fashion while others perish from the drinking, bad habits, and pain. We must do what we can to help these men in need.


Helping men


Protecting the children


What People Say About
Our Company

Max Payne

Recently divorced my other half was awarded everything. I had a job but was unable to get there due to the car being taken as well. I reached out to Chapversity there was a raffling for a vehicle where it was only 5.00 to enter and I won I couldn't believe it. I was able to keep my job then get my own apartment. Thank you Chapversity for caring when no one else seemed to.

Ken Marble

After losing my kids in a custody hearing I hit rock bottom. I had unhealthy thoughts even worse unhealthy habits. I spoke with Charlie at Chapversity he encouraged me to get a gym membership. He even came with me and we worked out together. I was able to vent while working out. Since then I have changed my eating habits. My confidence went through the roof. Not long after another court hearing was scheduled where I was granted visitation rights I cried in court. Thank you Charlie/Chapversity for helping me during this rough time of my life.

Taylor Smith

After a car accident my vehicle was totalled I had no funds due to not being able to work. Hospital bills had pilled up and it felt like I slowly begin to drown. A friend of mine told me about Chapversity I gave them a call and was told about a vehicle raffling where it was 10.00 to enter. I actually won I picked up the car and during that time I was given a check of 1000.00 to go to my hospital bills. Chapversity I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

More than 40% of Men won't talk about their mental health

Success Story

Become a monthly giver and save a mans life today

We can't stress enough the importance of changing the current course for men.

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Upcoming Events

Let's bring in the new year with new opportunities to do good.

Over 40% of men won't talk about their mental health. It's been well over due. Let's talk about your mental health.

Donations are used to better Men Women and children around the world let's start together.

More than 50+ Men helped successfully

Find out more & Get Involved


Happening Now

Let's Work Together

We can overcome the most challenging obstacles if we work hard and stay focused.